Introducing AVANNA the first English singing female Vocaloid3 voice!
Avanna is available to buy and download from this website for a limited time at
the incredibly low price of $69.99 (approximately 6650 yen / UK£45.00)

Minimum technical requirements
OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
CPU: Celeron Dual Core 2.1GHz or more
1GB or more
HDD: 2GB free space or more
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Avanna Vocaloid 3 Software includes VOCALOID3 Editor Lite which has the following:
- Piano-roll style note editor
- Inputting lyrics and automatic conversion to phonemes
- Assigning musical expression templates from an Icon Palette
- Sending notes, lyrics and musical expression to the Synthesis Engine
- Saving vocal data as a .wav file
- Changing synthesis parameters
- Effects (Reverb only)
- Playback .wav files